Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day 56 - McMinnville area, Oregon

We started the day at the Evergreen Aviation Museum. This museum has all sorts of aircraft from the beginning of flight to today and they feature the Spruce Goose.
As you can see, Howard Hughe's Spruce Goose is the central point of the museum. We had seen it before when it was in Long Beach, Calif. This is the largest wooden aircraft ever built.

They even have a free wine tasting right in the museum. The wine was quite good. The museum is totally surrounded by grape vines. They have the grapes processed and labled for them by another company.
After the museum, we visited a number of wineries for wine tastings. Most of the wineries in the Willamette valley are small boutique types, rather than large national brands. The valley specializes in Pinot Noir, which is our favorite.

We had a wonderful lunch of fresh bread, cheese, salami and, of course, wine. It was so enjoyable to just sit and sip!